New York Actor Sully Bonnelly - Headshots

Theater is still my first love and after watching Yoleros by Alex Vásquez Escaño and directed by Martin Balmaceda I have the opportunity to meet a young amazing actor called Sully Bonnelly. Well, it wasn't too much later that I heard that head shots was in his to-do list, so we set up a date and after that everything was easy. The pictures below are just a sample of what this head shot session was about.

As usal I work with a two final versions of each picture: color and black & white.

Nicolas Veciana - Headshots

Do you want to have fun? Come for a head shot! Or a few. I am sure that you will look perfect for anyone you want this fun time to be for. Actors need them for their auditions, kids & parents for their profiles in Facebook, Google+, Instagram or Twitter. CEOs, well, for their corporate pages. And so on. Just contact me if you are ready for a good one.

Here is Nicolas. He put himself through one of my sessions, and this is the result of it. 

Headshots for Actors

My love for the Theater has been a lifelong passion of mine. Ever since I was a child, and to this day, I relish having the opportunity  to experience the unique and magical  rite that actors re-enact on stage every night.

As a young adult, while living  in Buenos Aires, I had the privilege to attend an excellent acting school led by the renowned and great actress/director Alejandra Boero. It was there that I met the most amazing people --  actors who continue today to  share their craft with so much love. 

Frank Miranda is a model/actor from Uruguay. He took his first steps as an artist in Argentina and over the past few years has continued to develop his career in Mexico City.

I met Frank back in August and we worked together to create a new set of photos for his portfolio. The pictures you see above are some of the ones Frank chose. Although I have also included others that did not make into the final selection, they are a wonderful reminder of how much fun it was for us to work together.

I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed shooting them!